This script offers a funny implementation of the !kill command. Kindly requested by Alfie.
Current version
Current version is 0.2 and probably it will be the latest one.
Just type channel command !kill user_nick and enjoy the effect. The script also supports !killa for the same purpose. It's a "sort of" italian bad translation of "kill".
The bot owner can make the script more... funny by changing on the fly the result of !kill command:
- .set Killya_channel(#channel_name) "0" to ignore command;
- .set Killya_channel(#channel_name) "1" to show a message;
- .set Killya_channel(#channel_name) "2" to get a... surprise! :-)
Download and installation
Killya can be downloaded directly from this site: killya.tcl.
To install it follow these steps:
- Edit preferences (AKA settings) in file killya.tcl. If you don't do it the script will not work!
- Copy the script into the folder scripts/ of your Eggdrop installation.
- Add at the end of eggdrop.conf file the following line: source scripts/killya.tcl
- Connect to your bot thru DCC or shell and issue the following command: .rehash
Script status
This script is freeware. If you think that it can inproved or wish to suggest new features, please write me.