This script helps users to learn how useless are autogreet scripts, ie. these "things" that automatically reply to messages like "goodnight to all".
Current version
Current version is 0.1.
The bot owner should simply start KillGreets with channel command !kg. As soon as the monitored user's script will write "oh oh oh goodnight my friend!" (or similar silly text) in reply to another user, KillGreets will start an infinite loop forcing other users to "convince" the bad guy to remove his useless client add-on.
To stop KillGreets just type !kg again. To set users to be watched, edit killgreets.tcl or use .set kg_nicks {"nick1" "nick2" "nick3"} from bot's console.
Download and installation
KillGreets can be downloaded directly from this site: killgreets.tcl.
To install it follow these steps:
- Edit preferences (AKA settings) in file killgreets.tcl. If you don't do it the script will not work!
- Copy the script into the folder scripts/ of your Eggdrop installation.
- Add at the end of eggdrop.conf file the following line: source scripts/killgreets.tcl
- Connect to your bot thru DCC or shell and issue the following command: .rehash
Script status
This script is freeware. If you think that it can inproved or wish to suggest new features, please write me.